Best Saddleback Leather Front Pocket Leather Briefcase Alternatives

Based on reviews from, and more.

Things to consider when looking for the best Saddleback Leather Front Pocket Leather Briefcase alternatives

When comparing reviews for products, these are the top things reviewers talk about:

  • Style: 3 mentions
  • Materials: 3 mentions
  • Brand: 2 mentions
  • Material: 2 mentions
  • Comfort: 1 mention
  • Design: 1 mention
  • Weight: 1 mention

Based on 4 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great quality leather
Exquisite design
Highly recommended by some reviewers
13er is what many customers have been asking for
Not the best fit for some users
Mixed reviews from users
Not suitable for everyone's needs


The Saddleback Leather Thirteener Thin Leather Briefcase receives mixed reviews, with some users finding it to be a great bag while others feel it is not the best fit for their needs. However, the bag is highly recommended by some reviewers and is described as exquisite. Saddleback Leather has introduced the 13er, which is what many customers have been asking for.